Montreal shiatsu
Shiatsu therapy

Shiatsu is an ancient form of Japanese bodywork based on Eastern Medical Theory. Like most forms of alternative health care, its primary function is to maintain health. Although shiatsu therapy is at its best used as prevention, it has proven quite effective in helping a variety of complaints. Shiatsu is an excellent way to reduce physical, mental, and emotional stress.
Also known as “acupuncture without needles”, shiatsu uses pressure and stretching on the body. Shiatsu pressure is given with thumbs, fingers, elbows, knees, and sometimes feet. The pressure improves circulation of blood, fluids, and nutrients in the body, and stimulates the parasympathetic, or “rest and repair”, aspect of the nervous system allowing the body to heal. In this way, shiatsu is an effective therapy for treatment of specific complaints, for general well being, as well as for relaxation.
The sustained pressure given in shiatsu is directed towards Qi, the energy that circulates in the body. In shiatsu theory, it is believed that meridians of energy flow throughout the body. Since body, mind, and spirit are one, working on the meridian system not only affects the muscles and joints encountered along the energy pathway but also has an effect on the related mental and emotional dimensions of the person.
Conditions Helped by Shiatsu
While shiatsu can be quite relaxing, it has also been proven to be therapeutic for many health issues. It can be successful in helping a variety of complaints:
- headaches/migraines
- back pain
- PMS and menstrual cramps
- stiff shoulders
- digestive complaints
- anxiety and insomnia
- stress and tensions
- Depression and fatigue
- maternity care
How Often Do I need a Session?
Treatment frequency is entirely up to the patient. When working on a specific complaint it is often best to receive the first few treatments closer together to compound the effects and then space them out.
One might decide to receive regular treatments for well-being in 2, 4, or 6 week intervals. Others may choose to come in as they feel they need it. There is no better treatment plan than the one you feel is best for you. Exercises and stretches, as well as lifestyle and dietary recommendations are suggested as homecare to increase and/or accelerate the effects of the shiatsu sessions. Homecare is very important for prompt improvements and lasting well being.

Shiatsu in Maternity Care

During pregnancy the woman’s body is constantly changing. Much like a wave, it slowly “rolls” a gently but powerful cycle of structural, hormonal, and emotional fluctuations. Regular shiatsu sessions help the body adapt to these changes throughout pregnancy, labour, childbirth, and postpartum.
It has proven quite effective in preventing and alleviating symptoms such as
- digestive complaints
- Edema
- Hip pain
- Sciatic nerve
- back pain
- Impression of "heaviness"
- Mood swings
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Preparation for childbirth
- Feeding with milk